All The Information You Need on Heat Pumps in the UK | Heat Pumps

Save £7,500 off a heat pump with the Boiler Upgrade Scheme (BUS). Find out more about the Government Grant here.

All The Information You Need On Heat Pumps In The UK

With the UK going through a sweltering heatwave, fortunately we don’t currently have to worry about heating bills. But when winter comes, many of us will have a rude awakening.

Soaring oil prices mean the need to upgrade to technology like heat pumps is more important than ever. Changing the way we heat our buildings is also crucial for the environment, with many people believing the extreme temperatures are caused by climate change.

The Government is offering a number of grants to encourage people to install heat pumps, so they can meet their net zero target in 2050.

Why choose Alto Energy Limited as your partner for heat pumps in the UK?

Alto Energy specialises in both ground source and air source heat pumps. We also have air to air heat pumps which can also cool your property in summer.

From the financing of projects to the design and installation, Alto Energy Ltd covers all elements of the process. That means we are your ideal partner, whether you’re a developer, homeowner or architect.

Worried about the price of a project? We’re always happy to offer more details on the latest support available. You’ll also find information on schemes like the BUS (Boiler Upgrade Scheme) on our website. Why not check out our blog for the latest news?

If you’re seeking specialists in heat pumps, find out more about Alto Energy Limited or contact our team today.
