Green Homes Grant Extended & No Gas In New Builds From 2023

In a major announcement this morning on the battle against Climate Change, the Government have extended the Green Homes Grant scheme for a year, as well as bringing forward the date, to 2023, by which new homes will need to be heated without using gas heating.

No Gas In New Builds From 2023

The Government’s previous target for new homes to be heated without gas was 2025 - we wrote about this when the plan was first announcement at the start of last year - read more here. This target has now been brought forward by two years to 2023.

The government will bring forward, to 2023, the date by which new homes will need to be warmed without using gas heating.

This means that in as little as two years time, developers will need to be looking at installing non-gas heating equipment.

Why Heat Pumps?

We recommend heat pumps as the easiest alternative to a traditional gas boiler. If you’re a developer trying to work out what you are going to do as an alternative to gas, have a read of our blog:

New Build Cornwall - Air Source Heat Pump 1.jpg



Extending the Green Homes Grant

The Government has also announced that the Green Homes Grant scheme has been extended by 12 months. Under the scheme, customers looking to replace their fossil fuel heating system with a heat pump can receive a grant of either £5,000 or £10,000 towards the cost of installing a heat pump system.

You can find out more about the Green Homes Grant on our dedicated Green Homes Grant webpage:

Contact Us Today

If you would like to find out more about any of these announcements, please get in touch today.