Introducing our new Sales Executive
We are delighted to welcome Tom Cattell, who has joined our Sales team this month. Tom has just recently graduated from Southampton Solent University, having completed a Bachelor’s Degree in Marketing and Advertising Management.
Tom is the first of two new recruits we have planned for 2019. Our second appointment will be an apprentice joining our Technical Support team later in the year.
Tom has already setup his LinkedIn profile. and will be looking to connect with Housebuilders and Heating Installers to talk to them about the benefits of heat pump technology. As well as assisting our existing sales team in their efforts, Tom will be focused on promoting IVT products including the IVT AirX air source heat pump and the IVT GEO commercial ground source heat pump, as well as an exciting project which we’re looking forward to announcing later in the summer!
Our Recruitment Philosophy
The heat pump market is forecast to grow significantly between now and 2025, with heat pumps representing a key technology for the UK government’s policies tackling climate change.
In order to successfully handle that growing demand, we need a team of skilled staff who share our Alto Energy principles. We’ve decided that the best way to do this is to recruit trainees and apprentices, and invest in training and on-the-job mentoring.