Looking For Flexible Finance For Heat Pumps?

Heat pumps offer many advantages over fossil fuel boilers, including the fact they cost 50% less to run. They are also much more environmentally friendly, since they operate using electricity. However, many people are concerned about the initial cost of having this technology installed. With Alto Energy Limited that doesn’t have to be the case.

Looking to upgrade your current heating system? Alto Energy Limited can offer flexible finance for those looking to invest in heat pumps.

We’re ideal for anybody looking for market leading technology, with IVT finance available on this brand of products. New IVT Bosch AirX air source heat pumps operate using electricity, enabling you to save up to 50% in comparison to fossil fuel boilers.

These heat pumps offer the lowest possible running costs and are some of the quietest on the market, with a five-year warranty as standard.

Not only can we offer flexible finance packages, but government funding is available for this type of technology thanks to the Government Renewable Heat Incentive scheme. This means you can earn by up to £1,500 a year after switching to heat pumps. With our repayment systems you can choose loan durations of 5 to 10 years.

For more about our finance for heat pumps, simply get in touch today. Or chat with a member of our team online today.

01993 220699.