Net Zero Carbon - The Latest Report

In this blog, we look at the latest advice to the UK Government from the Committee on Climate Change, which details a plan to reduce greenhouse gas emissions to “net zero” by 2050.

Net Zero - The UK’s Contribution to Stopping Global Warming

Published on the 2nd May 2019, the Committee on Climate Change sets out how to achieve “net zero” carbon dioxide emissions in the UK by 2050.

A net-zero GHG (“greenhouse gas”) target for 2050 will deliver on the commitment that the UK made by signing the Paris Agreement.

The reports key finding is:

"The Committee on Climate Change recommends a new emissions target for the UK: net-zero greenhouse gases by 2050”

“The UK can credibly adopt a higher ambition now, which can help influence those countries considering increased effort in the future”

Low Carbon Heating

Roughly 85% of British homes are heating by boilers that use natural gas. The report states that by 2050 almost all household heating will need to be low-carbon, using technologies such as ground source heat pumps or air source heat pumps.

Heat pumps draw natural warmth from the air or ground, replacing the need to burn fossil fuels and in turn produce CO2 emissions. Thus creating a low carbon form of heating. Heat pumps operate using only a little bit of electricity: approximately 1 unit for every 4 units of heat delivered.

Alongside this, there should be a significant improvement in energy efficiency to prevent heat loss in homes. this will decrease the size of your heat load, and in turn the size of the heat pump required.

Get in touch below to see how heat pumps could benefit you and your project.

Renewable Energy

At present, about the half the UK electricity supplies are from a low carbon source. The committee has said that by 2050 this power demand is likely to double to supply electric vehicles and efficient electric heating sources like heat pumps, all of which must be sourced from low carbon electricity.

There is likely to be a significant expansion of offshore wind farms. The Committee on Climate Change suggests there could be 7,500 turbines to generate 75 gigawatts of electric, which will cover a mere 2% of the UK’s seabed.

Don’t Wait - Choose Heat Pumps Today!

Here at Alto Energy, we believe there is already sufficient need for choosing heat pumps, and there is no reason to wait for heat pumps to become mandatory. Below are some of the many benefits of choosing heat pumps over traditional fossil fuel options, whether you are in Installer, Developer, Self-Builder or Homeowner.

1. Appeal

Heat pumps are proven to be an appealing option for consumers purchasing a new home, or self-building their own home, when compared to other off gas grid alternatives. LPG and heating oil tie the homeowner into an unnecessary dependence on expensive fuel deliveries, while producing high CO2 emissions.

Heat pumps also offer significantly lower running costs compared to other off gas grid fuel choices. LPG and heating oil prices can be volatile massively, particularly in winter. You can expect to save in excess of 50% with heat pump technology over other off gas alternatives.

2. Improved SAP Scores

By reducing the running cost of the building, this has a direct effect on the SAP score for the property. Low running costs lead to a higher SAP score, which leads to a more attractive property for the prospective purchaser.

3. Government Incentives

As a general rule heat pumps installed by developers in housing developments are not eligible for the Government's Renewable Heat Incentive ("RHI"). However, if you are building your own self-build, an individual funding the construction through a builder or architect, or are retrofitting a heat pump into your property, you will be eligible to receive payments from the RHI.

In this case, you can earn up to £32,000 in subsidy payments over a 7 year period through ground source heat pumps. Or, around £11,000 in subsidy payments over a 7 year period though installing an air source heat pump.

4. Easier Compliance with Part L

By reducing the carbon dioxide emissions from the heating and hot water system in the building, this makes a significant  contributes to the carbon reduction targets for the building within Part L of the Building Regulations.

Interested In Heat Pumps For Your Project?