Global Warming



Human activity IS changing the climate to an unprecedented level, and some of the change is already irreversible. That is the conclusion from the latest Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (“IPCC”) report. Solutions are needed across all sectors in order to rapidly reduce emissions. Both Governments and individuals need to make positive decisions that will reduce carbon emissions right away.

Heat Pumps to Help Scotland Reach Net Zero

Heat Pumps to Help Scotland Reach Net Zero

The Scottish Government has published a vision to transform the way buildings in Scotland are being heated. This is to ensure all buildings are more efficient and warmer and to help reach net zero emissions by 2045.

Ofgem Release New Decarbonisation Action Plan

Ofgem Release New Decarbonisation Action Plan

Published on the 3rd February 2020, Ofgem released a Decarbonisation Action Plan which sets out a new plan to decarbonise the UK’s energy system, so that the net zero carbon emissions targets are met by 2050.

Net Zero Carbon - The Latest Report

Net Zero Carbon - The Latest Report

In this blog, we look at the latest advice to the UK Government from the Committee on Climate Change, which details a plan to reduce greenhouse gas emissions to “net zero” by 2050.

Greenhouse Gas Emissions Fall by 3% in 2018

Greenhouse Gas Emissions Fall by 3% in 2018

In 2018, the UK’s greenhouse gas emissions fell by 3%, and are continuing to drop, while low carbon generation rose by 53%.

Keeping the World Below 1.5C Warming

Keeping the World Below 1.5C Warming

On the 8th October 2018, the most extensive warning on the risks of rising global temperatures was issued. The Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Carnage (IPCC), made up of various scientists and government officials, gathered at a meeting in South Korea and issued a special report on the impact of global warming.