As previous generations have invested into the gas and water grid, the UK must now invest in the ground source heat pump infrastructure in the 20’s.
That’s the message from the Ground Source Heat Pump Association (GSHPA) president Bean Beanland, who told Utility Week that the association will be pressing the government to provide capital grants for the installation of heat pumps as part of a new post -2021 support framework for low-carbon heating. The GSHPA believe the target should be 1 million heat pump installs a year by 2035.
Capital grants for the works around ground source heat pumps, including borehole drilling and pipe connections to the heat pumps above, could cut the cost of installation by half. This sort of investment in heat pump infrastructure could provide long term benefits, just as expenditure on the energy and water grid did over 50 years ago. Beanland said, “That is public spending for public good because those boreholes will have a lifespan of 100 years: that is genuine infrastructure. We want long term signals so that we can start weaning people off fossil fuels and persuade plumbers that they can deliver heat pumps alongside their existing business. It is critical that installers start to invest the time to repurpose and retrain from fossil fuel technologies to heat pumps.”
““It is critical that installers start to invest the time to repurpose and retrain from fossil fuel technologies to heat pumps.””
Given how much the electricity grid has decarbonised in recent years, it makes sense that this should be the next step towards a low carbon future.
Ground Source Heat Pumps from Alto Energy
Alto Energy is a proud member of the Ground Source Heat Pump Association. We take our responsibility as members of the industry very seriously, which is why we always endeavour to uphold the highest standards of design and installation.
Alto Energy is the UK distributor for IVT Bosch ground source heat pumps, which are some of the most commonly installed heat pumps throughout the UK and Europe. If you are interested in installing ground source heat pumps in your home, or for a commercial building, get in touch with us today.