Heat Pump Adoption Crucial To Meeting Net Zero Targets

The Heat Pump Revolution: A Key Solution in the UK's Decarbonisation Effort

The UK remains overly dependent on natural gas, according to the National Infrastructure Commission (NIC), which provides independent recommendations to the government.

In its recent annual assessment, the NIC highlights the urgent need to reduce reliance on high-cost, high-carbon natural gas and accelerate the adoption of heat pump technology to meet the ambitious net zero targets by 2050. According to the Commission, decarbonising buildings is a critical aspect of this transition and represents the single biggest challenge on the path to net zero.

The NIC also notes that almost all households must participate in this transition and current plans fall short of meeting the target of 600,000 heat pump installations per year by 2028.

Number of heat pump installations in buildings, 2018 to 2022, United Kingdom. Image from NIC.org.

At Alto Energy, we agree that the 2028 heat pump installation target is unlikely to be achieved. Based on MCS installation figures, in 2023, the UK installed around 40,000 heat pumps. With only about 3.5 years remaining until 2028, achieving 600,000 installations per year would require a staggering 1,400% increase in the current installation rate.

Despite a steady rise in heat pump installations in 2024, sales are not accelerating quickly enough to meet government targets. Nonetheless, the market is experiencing significant growth and there is a high demand for skilled heat pump installers. Currently, we believe several factors will prevent the UK from reaching the goal of 600,000 installations, with a major obstacle being the shortage of qualified heat pump installers.

In its assessment, the Commission highlights that heat pumps are the “only viable option” for decarbonising buildings in the UK.

The Commission’s view is that electrification is the only viable option for decarbonising buildings at scale, and the solution for most homes will be heat pumps. They are highly efficient, available now and are being deployed at scale in other European countries.

KEY Recommendations from the National Infrastructure Commission

The report outlines several key recommendations to boost the adoption of heat pumps and enhance energy efficiency:

  • Increase Incentives: To encourage households and businesses to switch to low carbon heat, the government should deliver a long-term funding scheme and interest-free financing. This approach will reduce upfront costs and ensure that running a heat pump is more economical than operating a traditional boiler.

  • Commit Long-Term Funding: It is essential to secure long-term funding to deliver low carbon heat across the public sector estate, social housing, and households with lower incomes. This commitment will ensure that everyone benefits from the transition to greener energy.

  • Rule Out Hydrogen Heating: To help the industry plan and invest effectively, the government should rule out support for hydrogen heating. This will focus resources on viable solutions like heat pumps.

  • Plan for the End of Natural Gas: The government should develop a comprehensive plan to phase out natural gas for heating. This includes ending new connections to the gas network from 2025, regulating the end of fossil fuel heating in large commercial buildings by 2035, and halting the sale of new fossil fuel boilers by the same year.

  • Decommissioning the Gas Network: Begin planning for decommissioning or repurposing the gas network and disconnecting customers. This process should include a mechanism for local democratic input to inform the development of the RIIO-3 price control, which will commence in 2026.

  • Enhance Energy Efficiency Incentives: Improve incentives for households and businesses to install energy efficiency measures through zero-cost financing and a strategy to tighten and enforce minimum standards in the private rented sector.

Training and Installer Support

To support this critical transition, we offer a free heat pump training courses, aimed at equipping plumbers and heating engineers with the necessary knowledge to become skilled heat pump installers.

Additionally, our Alto Assured Installer Scheme is your gateway to seamless heat pump installations, designed to make your job easier and more rewarding. By simplifying the process, reducing costs, and providing comprehensive support, we enable you to offer cutting-edge heat pump solutions to your customers with ease.

Embrace the future of heating, enhance your business, and join the heat pump revolution today!

Looking to purchase a heat pump?

If you’re interested in replacing your fossil fuel system with a heat pump and would like to apply for the Boiler Upgrade Scheme, please get in touch by clicking the link below.