How Could The Labour Party Impact The Heat Pump Market?

Preparing for Change: Labour's Plans for the Heat Pump Market

With the UK election out the way and a new government in place, we feel it’s important to explore the potential implications for the heat pump market now that Labour has taken the helm. For plumbers, particularly those considering diversifying into heat pump installations, Labour's anticipated measures could present significant opportunities in the evolving green energy sector.

Could the new government benefit heat pump installers?

According to Labour’s manifesto, the party is committed to achieving energy independence with a strong focus on clean energy. The plan is to create a new publicly owned company (named Great British Energy), which will be funded with billions of pounds to help support capital-intensive projects in the clean energy space. This would involve a thorough restructuring of the energy market, with a goal of transitioning to renewable sources and improving energy efficiency, whilst also becoming a clean energy superpower.

Their manifesto states:

"Great British Energy will partner with energy companies, local authorities, and co-operatives to install thousands of clean power projects, through a combination of onshore wind, solar, and hydropower projects.

With this in mind, it would be wise for Labour to prioritise investments in green technologies like heat pumps, which are poised to play a central role in future energy solutions. After all, moving away from fossil fuel heating systems is crucial for achieving energy independence and net zero targets.

Improved grants and funding for homeowners

Labour’s manifesto also features the Warm Homes Plan, a scheme aimed at combating fuel poverty and reducing carbon emissions from home heating. The party intends to lower energy bills by doubling government funding to upgrade 5 million homes. This initiative will inject an additional £6.6 billion, providing grants and low-interest loans to promote investments in insulation, solar panels, batteries, and low-carbon heating solutions (

Whilst the plan does not mention heat pumps directly, it’s appears clear that Labour will continue what the Conservatives started with an array of heat pump funding schemes. In comparison to the rest of Europe, heat pump adoption has been slow and it seems likely that Labour will pour more money into the heat pump market to help boost adoption.

Reduced electricity costs could boost adoption

Another critical focus for the Labour Party is reducing electricity costs. According to the party, high electricity prices have hindered the UK's competitiveness. Labour's clean energy initiative aims to lower electricity bills, enhancing the global competitiveness of British businesses. Additionally, for homeowners in particular, reduced electricity costs would make heat pumps an even more appealing option.


To support this critical transition, we provide free heat pump training courses, aimed at equipping plumbers and heating engineers with the necessary knowledge to become skilled heat pump installers.

Additionally, our Alto Assured Installer Scheme is your gateway to seamless heat pump installations, designed to make your job easier and more rewarding. By simplifying the process, reducing hassle, and providing comprehensive support, we enable you to deliver heat pump solutions to your customers with ease.

Embrace the future of heating, enhance your business, and join the heat pump revolution today!