
Alto Energy and Powervault Become Affiliate Partners

Alto Energy and Powervault Become Affiliate Partners

Powervault and Alto Energy share a commitment to helping UK households dramatically reduce their carbon footprint and help drive toward Net Zero; because of this shared vision we have agreed to work together as affiliate partners, giving our respective customers access to the associated technology of another trusted UK supplier.

UK to be Powered by Completely Green Energy by 2035

UK to be Powered by Completely Green Energy by 2035

Based on the progress the UK is making developing it’s renewable electricity infrastructure, the Government is now targeting 100% green power by 2035. The fact that this is even a consideration is due to the mass deployment of offshore wind and other renewable sources, such as solar PV arrays.

Britain's electricity system 'greenest ever' over Easter

Britain's electricity system 'greenest ever' over Easter

British electricity reached a “green record” over the Easter weekend, with the carbon emissions factor for electricity dropping to just 39 grams of carbon dioxide per unit of electricity, which is a record low. This is a glimpse into the future normal for British electricity, and puts into sharp focus the potential for heat pumps to help decarbonise heating in the UK.

New Gas Boiler Installations to be Phased out by Mid 2030s?

New Gas Boiler Installations to be Phased out by Mid 2030s?

A major factor to climate change is in the way we heat our properties, and the Government’s Climate Change Committee proposes new measures which could be introduced to move away from fossil fuels. One significant recommendation is new gas connections being phased out by the mid 2030s.

Extension To Non-Domestic RHI Scheme For Projects Already Underway

Extension To Non-Domestic RHI Scheme For Projects Already Underway

In a recent blog post we announced that the non-domestic renewable heat incentive (“RHI”) scheme was scheduled to close as planned in March 2021. However, due to the COVID-19 pandemic and the delays and uncertainty this has caused, the Government has listened to numerous industry voices, including Alto Energy, calling for mechanisms to extend the deadline in order to safeguard heat pump projects already underway.

A National Retrofit Programme is Required to Deliver 2050 Goals

A National Retrofit Programme is Required to Deliver 2050 Goals

If the UK is to meet the 2050 goals set by the Government then all housing in the UK must have zero carbon emissions from space and water heating, according to Rick Hartwig, Built Environment Lead at the institution of Engineering & Technology (IET).

Millions of Jobs Could be Created in Renewables by 2030

Millions of Jobs Could be Created in Renewables by 2030

Nearly 700,000 jobs could be created in England for the low-carbon and renewable energy economy by 2030; which could rise to 1 million by 2050 - according to a report from the Local Government Association (LGA).

Britain Goes Coal Free

Britain Goes Coal Free

At midnight on Wednesday 10th June, Britain will have gone two whole months without burning coal to generate power, which is a very significant landmark. 10 years ago 40% of Britain’s electricity came from coal, so this is certainly a long way to come in a short space of time.

Renewable Energy is Increasing in the UK

Renewable Energy is Increasing in the UK

Throughout the course of 2019, more of Britain’s electricity was generated from zero-carbon energy sources than fossil fuels. This is the first time since the Industrial Revolution - that’s quite a move for renewables!