Industry News



Human activity IS changing the climate to an unprecedented level, and some of the change is already irreversible. That is the conclusion from the latest Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (“IPCC”) report. Solutions are needed across all sectors in order to rapidly reduce emissions. Both Governments and individuals need to make positive decisions that will reduce carbon emissions right away.

Electricity Distributors to Invest £7.7bn in Low Carbon Generation

Electricity Distributors to Invest £7.7bn in Low Carbon Generation

Both UK Power Networks and Northern Power Grid have outlined some business plans backed by £4.5bn and £3.2bn of spending respectively, with a heavy focus towards low carbon generation and low carbon technologies.

BBC: What Are Heat Pumps?

BBC: What Are Heat Pumps?

In a recent report by the International Energy Agency, it was recommended that no new gas boilers should be be sold from 2025. Full stop. In an article from the BBC, they’ve looked at the alternatives, in particular heat pumps, which will become the “new normal” for heating over the next decade.

Net Zero Scotland - Heat Pumps

Net Zero Scotland - Heat Pumps

Scotland is leading the way in generating electricity through renewable sources. In fact 97.4% of the country’s electricity is from a renewable source. Despite this progress, there is a big job to do decarbonising energy in the transport and heat sectors, as stated by Head of Policy at Scottish Renewables, Morag Watson.

Ban Boilers From 2025 To Achieve Net Zero!

Ban Boilers From 2025 To Achieve Net Zero!

In it’s latest special report, the International Energy Agency (IEA) has recommended that no new fossil fuel boilers should be sold from 2025, if the world is to achieve zero carbon emissions by 2050. Instead, homes should be heated by low carbon technologies such as ground source heat pumps and air source heat pumps.

Electricity Bills Could Be Slashed To Encourage The Switch From Boilers To Heat Pumps

Electricity Bills Could Be Slashed To Encourage The Switch From Boilers To Heat Pumps

According to recent reports the Government is poised to slash the cost of electricity for homeowners, in an attempt to encourage a switch away from fossil fuel boilers to low carbon heat pumps.

Heat Pump Demand Rising in 2021

Heat Pump Demand Rising in 2021

Demand for heat pumps has risen by 28% in 2021, according to the latest research. The research also noted that 57% of home-owners want to be more eco-friendly. This trend is certainly something we have witnessed here at Alto Energy, as 2021 has proven to be our busiest year yet!

Britain's electricity system 'greenest ever' over Easter

Britain's electricity system 'greenest ever' over Easter

British electricity reached a “green record” over the Easter weekend, with the carbon emissions factor for electricity dropping to just 39 grams of carbon dioxide per unit of electricity, which is a record low. This is a glimpse into the future normal for British electricity, and puts into sharp focus the potential for heat pumps to help decarbonise heating in the UK.

The Green Homes Grant Is Closed - And Why That's A Good Thing

The Green Homes Grant Is Closed - And Why That's A Good Thing

As of 5pm Wednesday 31st March, the Green Homes Grant Voucher Scheme is closed to new applications, thus bringing to an end the Government’s troubled energy efficiency scheme. On face value this might seem like a blow, however for heat pumps the Green Homes Grant never represented additional funding. The existing funding scheme for heat pumps - the Renewable Heat Incentive - has still got another year to run, and continues to encourage uptake of heat pumps throughout the UK.

Attention House Builders and Developers: Are you ready to switch to Heat Pumps?

Attention House Builders and Developers: Are you ready to switch to Heat Pumps?

At Alto Energy we have already worked with self-builders, installers and developers for years, with the sole aim of making heat pumps as easy as possible for new builds. Our unique business model has been designed with developers in mind, so if you aren’t sure where to start, please read on to find out more about the upcoming changes, and how we can help you start your transition to heat pumps.